Monday, January 19, 2009

Day one--12/26-12/27

I met Mindy at her house on the morning of the 26th. There was much rushing around to be done as I hadn't really packed ahead of time. It turns out neither did Mindy. Mindy was already on "Africa time" and we ended up at the church about 15 minutes after we should have but the group ended up leaving Asbury at 11:30am. I got to ride in a very cramped van (first of many very cramped van rides) with Emily, her sister and dad, Rich, and Kim to JFK.

Our flight left New York at 5:45 PM and I was able to sleep the majority of ride. We landed in Senegal to refuel around midnight and continued on to Johannesburg. It turns out the African continent is quite large and it took much longer than I expected to get to the bottom of it. We landed in J-burg around 5pm local time where we met Bryan Price, Niels, Jarrod, and Sharon who would drive us and all of our luggage to their farm in Lichtenberg. 3 hours later we arrived at the farm, ate a light snack, took a look around, and headed to bed around midnight.

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